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Interested in volunteering at the shelter?

The Lillian Allbon Cumberland County Animal Shelter is a charity run predominately by volunteers. We have so many opportunities to get involved! Our shelter would not be able to function without the help of volunteers, animal lovers, and the community we live in. 

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How to apply

You can print off a form, fill it out, and drop it off at the shelter OR you can fill the form out directly through the link below
(We can only accept applications for volunteers over 18 years of age)

Check out some of our opportunities to get involved


The shelter is constantly in need of upgrading and repairs. your involvement could be as simple as helping to paint or tidy the grounds.


dog walking

Get some exercise for yourself and give our dogs some time out of their kennels. The dogs love the chance to sniff and interact with people.


Why not spend some time petting our cats and dogs? Our animals always need more time and love then we can give.



We need people to organize running or helping with events, such as bake sales, yard sales, BBQ's, Walk-a-thons, or other events of your own making.


We need one or two social media savvy people to take charge of keeping the local media up to date with events  at our shelter and to look for new ways of increasing public awareness.

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Lillian Allbon Animal Shelter 

Open to the public Monday- Saturday 1pm-4pm (closed Sundays)

Donations can be dropped off 8:30am-4:00pm 7 days a week

798 Smith Road, Upper Nappan, NS B4H 3Y4, Canada

(902) 661-7297

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Charitable registration #: 119257194 RR0001

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